• Current Step 4: Halton Health application form
  • Step 5: Liability Insurance
  • Step 6: Oakville Business Licence
  • Complete

Halton Region Health Application Form

The process is mandatory but really easy, just follow the instructions. Once you finish, attach the screenshot validation and continue with the next step.
1. Find the Halton Region Health Application Form here 

2. Fill the vendor's information with your information.  

3. Fill the event information exactly the same as the image shows you. 

4. Food Safety management. According to your needs, fill the spaces. The image is only an example    

5. Food vendor's Proposed menu: Is relative to your sources information. If you have one, one is enough, if you have more, feel free to attach one by one as the image shows.

6. Fill "Add event" exactly the same as the image shows you. 

7. Review and submit. Confirm the information. Click in submit 

8. The confirmation is the image you must to add on this form. Add a screenshot on the bottom "Confirmation"    


One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.

If you have questions feel free to send DM by Instagram here